misc_liquor Top Spirits of Our 2021 World Series Champs

Congrats on the World Series win, Atlanta! BevSpot thought this World Series win would be a great opportunity to...

quick_count_how_to_inventory How to do Liquor Inventory: Your Bar Inventory Step-by-Step Guide

Bar Inventory Basics There are few tasks in the restaurant and bar industry more dreaded than bar inventory. It’s...

Untitled-design-1 Cocktail Chronicles: The History of the Dark ‘n’ Stormy & Rum Swizzle

For National Rum Day, we delve into the history of two of the most popular rum drinks.

July2018-Insights-Cover-2 The Most Popular Beer & Liquor Brands of 2018

We dive into the most popular beer and liquor brands from the past year and new trends in ordering.

bevspot-master-mixologist 3 Resources for Becoming a Master Mixologist

Amanda breaks down the most useful ways to continue developing and mastering your skills as a mixologist.

bevspot-shake-stir-cocktail When You Should Shake or Stir A Cocktail

Andrew explains the reasons behind shaking or stirring a cocktail and which cocktails should be prepared in each fashion.

bevspot-drinks-in-a-bottle How Many Drinks Are Left In That Bottle?

Trevor breaks down how to accurately measure how many drinks are left in a used bottle of liquor when...

Seasonal Spirit Orders How Different Spirit Type Sales Trend by Season (2017 Edition)

Stephen breaks down how the sales of each type of spirit trends across different seasons.

Seasonal Sales How Beer, Wine, and Liquor Sales Trend by Season (2017 Edition)

Stephen breaks down how alcohol orders have performed seasonally based on beverage category.

Florida-Feature The Most Popular Beers and Liquors in Florida Bars

Stephen breaks down the ordering habits and what brands rule at the bars in the Sunshine State.

BestOf2017SoFar-Feature America’s Most-Ordered Beer & Liquor Brands

Stephen analyzes and breaks down the ordering data we've seen so far in 2017 and how it compares to...

Texas-Hero The Most-Ordered Beer and Liquor Brands in Texas

We take a deeper look at the ordering landscape within our Texan users and observe what brands and ordering...

CincoDeMayo The Most-Ordered Beer and Liquor Brands at Mexican Bars

In celebration of Cinco de Mayo, we take a deeper look into the behavior of Mexican-style bars with real...

Most-ordered beer and liquor brands in Chicago The Most-Ordered Beer and Liquor Brands in Chicago

We broke down our bar order data to find the most popular beer, whiskey, vodka, tequila, rum and gin...

maxim-logo These Are America’s Most Popular Beer and Liquor Brands Because We Like to Party Hard

A study on the year's most-ordered liquor brands by BevSpot was featured in Maxim.

Liquor Sales in New York City The Top-Selling Liquor Brands in New York City Bars

We collected data from across New York City to find out what the top-selling liquor brands are. Here's how...