
Free eBook: The Bar Manager’s Handbook

By Rachael Perry


Rachael Perry

May 24, 2016

Posted in Restaurant Management, Industry & Culture

Download your copy of The Bar Manager’s Handbook now.

There are certain aspects of bar management that are dreaded in this industry. Inventory, ordering and invoicing are three. But you know what? There are ways to alter these processes to make them both easier for you and more profitable for your business.

Having an efficient beverage management system in place—whether it be through bar management software or traditional pen-and-paper methods—is crucial to running a successful bar.

By understanding how to streamline the most difficult tasks, you’ll have more time to spend on the fun parts—developing innovative cocktails, spending time with your staff, and interacting with your favorite customers.

Here at BevSpot, we work alongside the best bar managers, beverage directors, and owners to create bar management software that helps our users save time, save money, increase profit, and better understand what’s going on behind their bar.

We realize, however, that not everyone is ready to take on new bar management software. So, we’re creating resources to help make your bar successful anyway.

In our first eBook, we discussed some of the essential parts of bar management. In the second, we discussed three steps to boosting your beverage program.

Now, for our third, we’ll show you how to improve your inventory and ordering processes and help you understand how to take this knowledge—combining inventory, ordering, invoicing, and sales data—and use it to build a more profitable bar.

What will you learn in this eBook: The Bar Manager’s Handbook?

  1. The crucial steps to taking efficient inventory
  2. How to make ordering and invoicing easier
  3. How to use these processes to boost your bar’s profitability

Ready to get down to business?


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