
The 7 Most Popular Cocktails on BevSpot’s Drink Price Calculator

By Stephen Ngo


Stephen Ngo

June 28, 2017


BevSpot’s Drink Price Calculator

Drink pricing continues to be one of the most important drivers of a bar’s profitability, and thus one of a bar manager’s biggest challenges. We built our Drink Price Calculator to make that problem easier to solve for the industry. And so far, users have responded: tens of thousands of cocktails, wine glasses, draught beers, and shots have been priced and repriced for drink menus around the world.

These drink recipes provide a glimpse of the drinks that bar managers are tinkering with. And as the data makes clear, some drinks are more prevalent on the Drink Pricing Calculator than others.

Why? Managers sometimes focus on particular drinks because they serve them more often. Sometimes it’s because they present more opportunities for experimentation. And sometimes it’s because they represent the biggest opportunity to reduce pour cost.

Whatever the reason, we wanted to analyze the data to see which cocktails were being priced the most often. These are the most popular cocktails on BevSpot’s Drink Price Calculator.


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The following material aggregates about five months of Drink Price Calculator user data ending in May 2017. 86% of these users were located in the United States and Canada. All figures represent percentages of cocktail recipes priced using the tool.

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