Why Bar Managers love BevSpot
improvement in pour costs on average
<5 seconds
to see updated expected inventory
inventories taken in BevSpot in 2019
Empower Your Staff
BevSpot is the industry standard for simplicity and ease of use. Train your team in minutes so everyone is on the same page and running a lean, mean, bartending machine.

One-Tap Ordering
Place orders with just one click. Bevspot lets you nail the efficiency game and increase profitability, all with speed—and no paperwork.

Mobile Inventory
BevSpot is the easy way to manage a bar in the 21st century. Save hours by taking accurate inventory on any device and save thousands on your sitting inventory.

I don’t want to admit the amount of alchohol I think we [were] losing, but since we can easily track it now, we have been able to minimize it almost completely.
- Lyssa Murray, General Manager
Best Western Plus
I have time to reconcile the numbers at the end of [inventory] because I’m not racing around counting the bottles.
- Heather Mojer, Co-Owner & Beverage Director
Big Dipper Co.
The ordering piece, for me, is the thing that I really couldn’t trade. I really like having the orders go through BevSpot. I haven’t done it since 2014. I’d hate to go back.